Advice on New Integrated Amplifier

I need some advice on cleaning up my current system, which is:

Integrated Amplifier: Creek 5350 SE (with phono card)
Turntable: Roksan Radius 5
Loudspeakers: Totem Arro
Digital: iTunes/Spotify via wifi only

I am having a problem with the Creek. One channel drops out (scratchy for a bit then gone) intermittently. I emailed Mike Creek about it, posted on these forums before, and conducted research. It seems the ribbon connectors need to be cleaned frequently. Mike Creek said to open the unit and blow out the female receptacles. That didn't work too well so I used compressed air and deoxit. I've done this 3 times in 18 months. So, every six months I need to crack open this integrated to keep it working. Ugh.

I took the unit to a local repair shop in Chicago. They could find nothing wrong with it. Go figure. They were not interested in hardwiring each of the 16 pin connectors involved. Neither am I and I'm not too bad with a soldering iron.

So, I'm likely in need an integrated amplifier. I'm thinking that I need the following:

- < $2k in cost (new or used)
- Decent ability to drive 4-6 ohm loads
- A & B speaker outs because I drive a main set (Totem Arros) and another in my office (Monitor Audio in ceiling units)

I may also think about upgrading my Totem Arros to Tannoy Revolution XT 6Fs (!products_1547)

I listen to a broad spectrum of music including:


I would really appreciate the advice of forum users! PS: I bought the Creek used from Audiogon and have had issues since I got it so there's no warranty for me. I love the sound of it and its simplicity.
Great stuff.

I'm going to look at the used Bryston, Creek Destiny, McIntosh 6500, Sim products, BUT I don't even know where to begin in trying to fix the Creek. Just today both channels dropped out, and back in, and out. I wish I bought it under warranty then I could ask Mike Creek to do right by the product.

Bryston's transferable 20 year warranty is so tempting.
The Bryston is pretty good. I had one for a little while. But if you're willing to spend that kind of money, you could get an Ayre CX-7. Its in a completely different league than the other amps mentioned.
Zd542 "I'm pretty sure Sim makes the integrated amp portion of your Magnum Dynalab"

I bought the MD unheard and that was what I was hoping for. I went from MD-106T + Simaudio Moon i-5 and the sound is very similar but fuller. I attribute that to the extra power. Given Magnum Dynalab's prior relationship with Simaudio, I would assume that the design was, at least, inspire by Simaudio.
Two updates:

1. I've narrowed by shortlist to the following names:

Magnum Dynalab
Acoustic Research
Musical Fidelity
And... CREEK.

2. I found a repair shop in Overland Park, Kansas that has great familiarity with the Creek 5350. It sounds like it may or may not truly be the ribbon connection. It could also be the pre-amp switch. It's going to cost me $300 to fix it.

I think that I'm going to fix it. I'll keep you posted.

If I get it back and it happens again, I'm going to back my car over it and buy something like a McIntosh or Bryston for the build quality.