Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Belden IC assembly help request. I recently saw some photos online of how the Belden 8402 is soldered to the RCA plugs but I cannot find them now that I'm ready to assemble mine. Can anyone kindly help? I recall that the shield was twisted but don't remember the place on the RCA to which it was soldered. Also, does it matter which wire goes to the center and which to the outside?
Thanks very much- I'm a relative newbie at this sort of thing.
Ps, The center pin on the RCA is Positive (hot). The longer outside shaft is Negative (Ground). Your shield and negative wires can both be soldered to that longer shaft. Positive goes to the center pin. I don't have my Belden IC's in front of me so I don't know the color coding, but Red is usually the positive (hot) wire. Jet
Jet: Thanks very much for your helpful response. I recall that the shielding should be twisted on the ends to make it thin- similar to the other wires- so it can be readily soldered. I will need to be careful and patient when stripping the ends of the Belden to allow enough length for the shield.

Best wishes,

You may be recalling a comment I made on Jeff Day's blog with tips on assembling the Belden cables. See my comment #7 at the link below. It's dated April 18, 2015. Hard to believe it's been that long.

In re-reading those older posts on Jeff's blog, I noticed that the RCA plugs recommended by Mr. Yazaki-san were actually Canare F-10 plugs. The Switchcraft plugs that came with Jeff's cables were recommended by Jonathan Halpern, not by Yazaki-san. See post #10 at the link.
