KLE Innovations zFLOW Cables: REVIEW

You may have read some of my previous reviews on the KLE Innovations gZero product line, which I am very fond of.

Well - the new zFLOW range of products are even better.

Comprising only of the zFLOW33 Interconnect and the zFLOW22 Speaker Cable, one might be tempted to mix and match with other cables from the gZero range (or even from other manufacturers) - DON'T

During my audition I tried "mixing and matching" with the KLEI gZero20 IC and the KLEI gZero6 SC and was quite underwhelmed by only marginal improvements.

But using the two zFLWO cables together in either my digital path or analogue path exceeded my expectations of what these two "pieces of wire" were capable of.

As with all KLE Innovations products, settling and burn in are paramount to achieve the best sound available.

Fortunately, the cables sent to me were already burned-in, but it still took 6 days for them to settle-in and sound their very best.

My system is modestly prices, but tweaked with some nice cables, power modifications and the like and sounds much better than many much higher priced systems. But I believed I had pretty much reached it's resolution limit.

The zFLOW cables, like the rest of the KLE Innovations products, proved me wrong yet again.

The micro details these cables convey provide the most cohesive and believable image I have ever observed on my system.

The details conveyed pertaining to individual performers within the space of a live venue were very lifelike.

The improvements were not so much about the various metrics, such as bass/upper frequency extension, image size, dynamic performance etc.. - although the zFLOW were clearly better - it was more about the sense of reality these cables conveyed.

As stated, my system is quite modest, but it would be very interesting to hear these cables on a system with higher resolution capabilities - just to hear exactly how good they are.

The zFLOW are a little on the pricey side, so they might not be suited to everyone's pocket book. But they are more affordable than many of their esoteric competition and they perform much better on pretty much any kind of system.

FWIW - I have tried other gZero products on systems up to $50k - and they outperformed some very pricey and very well known competition.

So, if you are in the market for some incredible sounding, extremely high performing cables, you might want to take a look at the KLE Innovations web site for reviews.

FYI: My "point of reference" while assessing the zFLOW cables were the previous TOTL gZero20 IC and gZero6 Speaker cables. The gZero cables are also extremely competent performers and almost matched the performance of the zFLOW from a "metrics" perspective, but they fell short with their ability to recreate the same level of realism in the performance that the zFLOW brought to my system.

For details of my system please see the link below.

Hope you find this review useful :-)

Yping - I consider my system to be approaching it's resolution limits (especially with the zFLOW cables installed) and for that reason alone I have decided not to purchase the zFLOW cables at this time.

But I do think the zFLOW cables would provide even more benefit if the system they were installed in had components that offer a higher resolution capabilities than my own.

From an upgrade perspective I would have to analyze which of my existing components would need to be upgraded in order to get the most out of the zFLOW.

But my suspicion is that all of the existing components have a similar resolution capability and as such, all of them would require upgrading.

This is something I am not prepared to undertake in the short term.

At this point in time, I am extremely happy with the sound of my system and feel that I need some time to assess exactly what is "missing" (if anything) when compared to higher resolving systems - and taking into account the improvements the zFLOW demonstrated when installed in my system.

I may simply end up buying the zFLOW22 and zFLOW33 cables at some point in the future, but I also feel there may be other cables in that product range yet to come, which may yield even bigger dividends.

So for now I'll bide my time and let patience rule the day.

The gZero cables and Harmony RCA products I have used to date have transformed my system from mediocre to amazing and the zFLOW cables have demonstrated there is even more improvements to be had.

When I read the review by Stefano Bertoncello (posted on the KLE Innovations website) and factor in the abilities I believe systems like his are capable of - I think I still have a way to go :-)

For members out there considering some cable upgrades, I would highly recommend the zFLOW products. You can see details of my system by clicking on the "System" link below, which may assist you as a poosible "point of reference".

The last two years have been a bit of a whirlwind WRT the many cables and RCA plugs's I have tried - so now it's time to sit back for a while and simply "digest"

Hope that makes sense :-)
Williewonka, so, not enough of an improvement over the gZero20 ICs and gZero6 SCs???
Yping - as I said above - I have to take stock of all my existing components and their abilities before chasing more cable upgrades - I am on a budget here :-)

BUT - If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd get them ;-)


it would be of interest to read more about the other cabling competitors that these cables bested?

Feel free to name, names here , as it relevant to the conversation. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!