Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?

This topic came about in another post.

If your speakers allow for bi-wiring, do you use this feature? Or, do you use good quality jumpers and single wire cables? Or, do you just use the jumper plates that come with the speakers and single wire cables?

(If you are bi-amping, then that's completely different.)
Geph0007, couldn't get that url to work. Is this what you mean?

The Nordost diagonal biwire. I use this method with a single cable run. I believe there is a difference in sound.
Geph0007....Take off the extra t on your link....

I do. I don't question Albert's judgement so my VR-5s are biwired. There is another potential benefit - choosing cables specific to the job (hi or low) can help you to tailor sound a tad.

I'm biwiring with Analysis Plus Oval 9/Oval 12 and it gave my system more low end punch. I can see this combo eventually replacing the ever popular Kimber 8TC/4TC biwire setup as the working man's biwire bargain - speaking in relative terms, of course. It's smoother and more musical than the Kimber combo.
I have found that bi-wire runs of speaker cables tend to be more critical on some speaker designs than others. The speakers I am using currently (Reference 3A Episodes) Have the bi-wire option, and they sounded much better when Bi-wired with the same brand of cable versus single wire with a bare ended wire jumper made from the same speaker wire. It really opened up the width, depth and layering of my soundstage. With another pair of speakers I once owned, the most noticable change was an improvement in bass definition and clarity. Hopefully, your favorite wires are affordable, and it won't hurt the budget to give bi-wiring a try.