Audio Technica ART 9

Good evening. Does anyone know if there is an American retailer - other than a few sellers on Ebay - who is selling this cartridge? None of the usual suspects (Needle Dr., Acoustic Sounds) are carrying it. Is it not being offered in the U.S.?
It would be interesting to know why the one company actually does have two names. LP Gear and LP tunes.
From their names, one could surmise that of the two divisions, one sold equipment, and the other was a music distributorship. Just guessing?
I've purchased my last three cartridges from LP Tunes. No hassle and quick delivery. Recommended.
LP Gear/LP Tunes actually has three names, the other is Elex Atlier.
Some cart models were Japanese only and Lp Gear imported them. Examples of this are 7V and 100E (MM). The ART7 and 9 are now on the AT US site and apparently US models.

The reason there are few US dealers is not enough profit. Look at the list price on LP Gear and you have an answer.