Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
barber's adagio is great, also the vangelis soundtrack to bladerunner track 5 (love theme). this is a great album to turn down the lights to.
Vaughn Wiliiams symphony #5 particularly the romanza section.A favorite recording is Menhuhin and the royal phil on virgin classics vc7 90733-2
I must add a couple to the previous response: Allegri's Miserere, Pachelbel's Canon, Beethoven's 7th Symphony.
The emotional loading of every piece is very listener dependent, but I still find browsing through other people's postings enchanting. What a great source of ideas for expanding one's CD collection this forum is!