Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Oh boy, music which I cannot perform without a good ,long period of desensitization to get my emotions under control.Also, have any of you noticed that the emotional impact seems to increase as we get older? The Allegri "Misereri", the Brahms motets, in particular, "Warum?" and "Las Dichts Nur nichts nicht dauren" but all of them are great The J.S. Bach motets also persist in blowing me away after 30 years of exposure.
Right on Brownie. That is a beautiful recording of The Planets. I also have to go along with previous posts about Margo Timmins of The Cowboy Junkies, (Sweet Jane), as well as putting forward Maggie Reilly on some of the Mike Oldfield albums (eg Five Miles Out, To France etc.) Haunting....

Klemperer's Mahler 2
Kim Kashkashian's Britten Lachrymae
Byron Janis
Shostakovich 11 'The Year 1905'
Peter Pears singing Britten
ah, Milstein's Goldmark Violin Concerto

(what was Sarah Chang thinking!? pardon my bitchiness. )