CD Sound ; Esoteric x-03 versus Oppo 105

For CD sound; any difference?
I own an Oppo 105D and have owned Esoteric DV50S, UX1-Limited, P03U/D03 and currently own the P02/D02. I've also listened extensively to the K01, K03, and X03 and UX3 models along the way. Summary of my thoughts;

SACD: no contest, no matter whether you go back to the DV50S or other more recent units, Esoteric wins

RBCD: IMHO, I prefer the Esoteric RBCD in more recent units, particularly UX3, UX1 and into the K and P/D units

All of the above using XLR balanced outputs; the best option for Eso IMHO....

10 year old tech/design by a SOTA vendor versus Oppo: does not matter, think about the fact that Esoteric engineered for a more no holds barred approach in each case at a higher price point. Oppo is a fine unit with a different objective and different price/parts/design philosophy. Also the post by Georgelofi hits the question of DAC parts choice squarely on the head....

Oppo105D: Amazing video quality all the way up to UHD-4K; this is why I own it....not for audio playback. Only player I've seen whose video beats my prior P03U. (That video section bested all "newer and better" players, even BluRay until the Oppo 105D came out), again all IMHO.

If you value quality audio playback, look at UX3, X03, UX1Ltd if you can find one or better yet, save for a used K01.

Enjoy the music and good luck to you!
If age is important to you, the 105D is the same for CD playback as the 2012 105.
I have heard several BIG BUCK (>> $10k) CD/SACD players, and NONE matched my obsolete Sony 5400!


It is a legitimate question.

I have a query;
can you comment on the sound/difference between the DV-50S and X-03/X-03SE models?

I have posted this same query, in a separate thread, if you wish to post your thoughts/impressions for me ?
Georgelofi. Th Sabredacs in the Oppo seem to have a good rep.
What is the difference to the 'older' dacs in the Esoteric and why are they better? Thanks.