Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Matt. I am impressed. Well over 18 months ago, and before the birth of this wonderful blog, you approached me about purchasing my EMM DAC2x and I told you what replacing it with...the ODSE! While I personally found the EMM sterile and lifeless, your insight is intriguing. Before I sold the EMM I updated with the newer firmware, I found improvement but not to the level of the ODSE.

After reading Chris Connikar recent review on CA, and trusting your ears I encourage any current EMM Dac2x owner to send their unit back to Calgary and bring your dac to the current HARDWARE, and firmware standard. The unit I sold was an early generation of the 2x. From CA article, EMM has made some significant changes to the DAC2x.

Anyone interested in purchasing one, call Sanjay Patel at Ciamara. He is wonderful to work with.

Matt, and to everyone who contributes to this thread, thank you!
Grannyring, I'm pretty sure you would have felt differently if you used the Aesthetix as a dac only. The built in cd player is not very good. I have compared my Dac to my friends Yamamoto and I agree its good but it is not better.
I will try the Romulus Sig as a DAC, not a spinner. The fact that it spins Is a bonus. The point about impedance mismatches is a very interesting one and makes me think that the Allnic D5000 may have a similar issue. It's all about system synergy in the end.

I have had several tell me the ODSE beat the Emm DAC2X on their evaluation. And the Meitner was much more analytical and sterile then the ODSE. All I can say is that the DAC2X was not sterile; It was clean and natural with aire and an almost ephemeral ability to reproduce the instruments, the vocals and the space between.

My neighbor acquired a Berkeley Ref DAC and the Berk usb to spdif converter. It will be here within a week. I'll report when I can. It should be here the same time that the MSB will be here, and the Emm DAC2X is on a 2-3 week extended audition so I should have all 3 at the same time, along with the Romulus. Wow. That should be a good competition.

Stay tuned.
09-27-15: Mattnshilp
The point about impedance mismatches is a very interesting one and makes me think that the Allnic D5000 may have a similar issue.
Matt, no, I doubt that the relatively low input impedance of your Burmester preamp had anything to do with your impressions of the D-5000's sonics. In contrast to the capacitively coupled outputs of the Aesthetix DAC, which can be expected to cause a large rise in output impedance in the bottom octave or two, the Allnic has transformer coupled outputs. And consistent with that it is described in its manual as having an output impedance that is a "constant" (as a function of frequency) 150 ohms.

That kind of output characteristic shouldn't result in any issues driving the input impedance of your preamp, or, for that matter, driving longish cables.

Of course transformers can have issues of their own, but given the apparent quality of this unit, and the statements made in the manual about Allnic's expertise in designing and manufacturing their own transformers, I suspect that the reason(s) for your less than glowing impressions of it are related to something else.

Best regards,
-- Al
Those were my impressions of the Allnic too, it sounded thin and not colorful like a tube dac could. My Lamp Big6 just killed it, just like it did everything else. Congrats on finding the speaker, that's probably the biggest step.