Tubes and their problems

I thought since I am currently having a few tube problems, and since i am not
that technically inclined, I would ask what are the typical warning signs and problems of our beloved tubes.
I will start off with the "popping" sound that I believe indicates either tube failure or impending failure ( perhaps someone can clarify why a tube does this?) What are the other various warning signs to look out for?
Solid states usually don't have tube problems. The blown transistors happen far more rare than tubes and not too difficult to replace.
@Ralph -- any idea why ARC recommends that its power tubes be replaced every 2000 hours (6550s and KT-120s); 3000+ hours in case of KT-150s. I'm sure you know that KT-150s ain't cheap. My amp uses 8 KT-150s. Yikes!!

Not sure this is relevant, or that I am framing the point properly, but KT-150s are rated to have 70 watts of plate dissipation capability; ARC drives them to about 27 watts.

Does that permit the inference that ARC is not driving their power tubes all that hard and that tube life expectancy should be longer?

Sorry for not framing my question in a technically correct way. But I assume you know what I mean.

Could you put a little more gloss on why your power amp tubes last so long??