hi fi tuniing fuses best position ?

I just purchased magnepan 1.7 used from audio classics.Awsome speakers!I just installed hi fi tuning fuses.Whats the best position arrow on fuses pointing towards the floor or ceiling?Any info appreciated.
"The other 99.99% of the population thinks we're crazy, if they think of us at all. "

Thanks for my morning chuckle :-)
50/50 split on opinions? Did someone take a poll not tell me about it. I recommend we take another poll and see how many of those who believe wire is not directional have actually experimented with wire directionality. That should be revealing, no?
I'm beginning to suspect audiophiles, as a general rule, are a touch slow, as wire directionality and marking cables and fuses with arrows is nothing new. Far from it. Placing arrows on cables and fuses goes back at least 20 years. And the reason arrows are placed on cables is because wire sounds better in one direction than the other. This is not exactly a big secret. Its not Top Secret, it's not For Your Eyes Only. It's not even like the secret sauce on Big Macs. Hel-loo!