Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Updated info on the Kii room from A-Shark. It was hated at first…

Why it's important to come back to rooms multiple times. The Kii folks removed a CD transport and DAC and went right from the laptop to the Kii speakers and the difference was not subtle. Sitting listening to Ella Fitzgerald. Her voice is sweet and the stand-up bass is realistic. Cymbals sound real.

And I might add...no use of room treatments either to get this great sound.

The Kii also has adjustability for location in the room. The wonders of digital tech. We couldn't have done this as well in the analog domain.

In this instance, I suspect that part of the improvement could have been due to the fact that, when they stopped using the CDP + DAC source, the additional DA + AD stages were eliminated too since all analog inputs are digitised.

Afaik, the Kii Three does not have the WISA input enabled yet since the WISA controller is not due till next year.
Thanks for the update Wisnon. This product holds promise for folks who want high-end sound without a wall of equipment. Bring a source and you are good to go! That it tackles room boundary issues too is a real bonus. This could be the perfect solution for younger apartment dwellers, older downsizers and everyone else who wants to keep it simple.
The WiSA (Wireless Speaker and Audio) input will offer yet another level of convenience. I don't know much about it but I hope the WiSA "standard" will also support wireless for two-channel audio, because they seem to be focused on "surround audio in home theater and commercial environments."WiSA
I'll post a seperate post on my Rowland trip. Wow.

Show is winding down. Day 3 is always quieter.

Some quick thoughts:

If anyone is interested in a crazy good system (speaker, amps and preamp) for under $10k then look no further then Oddysey! His room was musical, engaging, huge deep soundstage and just engaging.

The Vapor room lost its amp late yesterday (the Lampy amp died for whatever reason) and since Rowland was on the same floor they were asked and Jeff graciously provided a brand new 625 S2. It was a revolutionary improvement in the system. Today, the room was awesome. They also hooked up their Nimbus White in a different room either last neither or today and I got to hear that as well. What I learned is that they are serious players and make some good damn speakers. I have now heard both the Vapor and the similarly designed Salk and I think I prefer the Vapor, although I still haven't heard the Joule, which is the model I would have the most interest in.

Nola came it with a new speaker that appears to be the top of their lower range and it's musical and engaging as well. They had a big room and it filled it with no problem. I like Nola and their open baffle design really helps to throw a huge soundstage. Speaker is around $14-15k if I remember correctly.

Usher has a their X-Towers and they sounded great. I've always like Usher and these do more things better then any of their previous models. I did think they lacked that last ounce of driver integration that some other speakers have. At around $15k it's also a sweat deal.

Jl Labs new Utopia Sopra line is another great offering in the $14k range. They give the same voicing and style with less grace and scale then the big Utopias. A tough call for $15k between Vapor, Nola, Usher and JM considering the level of performance now offered. And there are many others in that range that also are killer value. It's all good and a great opportunity for the consumer. Especially since many of these speakers easily drop sub $10k on the pre-owner market.

Sakura'son gave me a wonderful audition of his all Sakura, and I mean ALL (transport, DAC, pre, amp, power supplies, speakers, turntable, cables, everything). I would jump at it for rock or punchy modern music but for soft classical, jazz and the like it's simply stunning. And his turntable is just masterful in mechanical engineering and implementation. Industrial art for the eyes and the ears!

Greg from Volti has 2 great speakers and they did an amazing job together with Boarder Patrol. You need the space and an understanding wife, but they really are musically engaging.

I'm sure I missed a room that deserved to be mentioned. But those were my favorites. I think the rooms sounded pretty good overall compared to come other shows I've been to. Few CD players, lots of music servers are popping up and I'll post seperate my about that. And what's incredible it that LP seams to be winning the format war for solid medium by default. You just can't download a record..... Not yet. ;)
Also need to mention the Schweikert VR-55/Constellation room with FYS music server. It was a great room. Daemon Von'Schweikert always does a good job setting up his rooms and this was a great room.