Turntable recommendation for under 6k

Hello: I am starting to look a turntable upgrade and want to budget for arm, cartridge and table 6k. Used is ok. Any recommendations appreciated and or advise. Thanks, Bruce
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbringgeld
Check out the Avid Volvere with a Jelco tonearm or Dr.Feickert Woodpecker with the Feickert 10" tonearm. Both are superb TTs with great dynamic range and musicality.
Pani- I may be wrong, but I believe Feickert offers Jelco arms with their tables. To my knowledge, he doesn't make an arm. If there hasn't been enough tables mentioned here, let me ad the Luxman PD-171AL. Cheers -Don
Fjn04, you are right. It is a modded Jelco with better wiring and such goodies.