Primaluna Prologue 4 tube upgrades

I recently acquired this amp and at first thought it was sounded great, but was not completely happy with the LF response with my modest Dali Zensor 1 monitor speakers and nicely upgraded Dared SL2000a amp. So, I swapped some Siemens 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes into the unit for the stock Chinese tubes and holy hell, this amps is really quite fine! It has great control of the LF now and I realize that a veil of grunge I was hearing has vanished! I might swap some better power tubes in for the stock PL (Chinese) EL34's to see if that improves it even more. Or roll some Gold Lion KT88's into it. The amp has the unique feature of auto-biasing the tubes, which was always a hassle with my HK Citation I and V amps . Honestly, I have been thinking about upgrading to PL's high end integrated amp, but from what I hearing today, I might just stay with this set up. BTW, I have had a long series of far more expensive monitors in my system, yet these Dali Zensor 1's are the best I have had. They are thoroughly musical.
I have the Primaluna HP Integrated and wondering about changing out the tubes. Would it be best to change out power tubes or preamp tubes first? Looking to increase clarity, imaging, and soundstage extension but I don't want to lose the midrange warmth I get from the EL34's. Thinking about KT120s or some NOS tubes for the 12au7's. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Being there are 8 power tubes and 6 12au7's, it could be pretty expensive to experiment with tube rolling. Any advice?
Djfst ;
My experience with KT 120's showed a lack of midrange .
Their strength was in the upper & lower ranges.

Keep your 34's and try RCA clear top 12AU7's . Just use 4 in the two front positions on each side and keep the Primalunas in the rear position on each side . I found the Primaluna 12AU7 to be a rather neutral sounding tube .

Good luck
Thanks for the suggestion, Saki70. Looked up those RCA Cleartop's and they could be just what I need. And they are a really low price considering some other NOS tube prices. Excellent suggestion and well worth a try, especially in the preamp section of my Primaluna Integrated.