Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Dinner and Nocturn. Soundtrack to the Lady Caliph. Ennio Morricone, played by Yo-Yo Ma.
Silent Lucidity. Queensryche.
Love Theme. Soundtrack to Bladerunner. Vangelis.
Although I mostly listen to classical music, it is hard to beat Eva Cassidy's later recordings - particularly the album "Live at Blues Alley" when she already knew that she was dying (from melanoma).
1) Allison Krauss' "Ghost in the room" - better have a box of handkerchiefs on hand!

2) The entire CD of Jonathan Butlers' eponymous release (Jonathan) - Music so joyous that you'll laugh and cry at the same time.
'64 Miles Davis Quintet My Funny Valentine live. One of the most stunningly beautiful live jazz recordings of the 1960s. Miles and co. (esp drummer Tony Williams) are breaking out of the more confined song forms of the 50's but are still playing the classic Quintet repertoire. Miles' treatment of the melody is deep, introspective, and will make you weep at times and laugh out loud at others. When the tempo kicks up and Ron Carter comes in for the out, you may jump out of your chair and cheer. I have the complete concert on a double CD set called the "Complete Concert", but the material was originally released on two separate albums, "My Funny Valentine" had all the ballads and med tempo stuff and "Four and More" had the burners. If you have not heard this please do yourself a favor and check it out.