DAC drops out when Furnace starts or stops. HELP

Every time my furnace or water heater (gas, power vented) kicks on or off my DAC drops out momentarily. My audio system, furnace and water heater are all on separate dedicated ac lines. My AC panel was updated to a 200 amp service some years back.
I checked all connections from the panel to each device and internally checked all electrical connections in the furnace and water heater, verifying proper hot, neutral and ground.
I checked and tightened all wires in the service entrance panel.
Has this happened to anyone else? If so what did you do to correct it?
Any help will be appreciated.
If the audio system, the furnace, and the water heater are all on the same AC phase, I believe there is a good chance the problem would be resolved if you were to have an electrician move the system's dedicated line(s) to the other phase (i.e., to a breaker on the other side of the panel).

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al
I agree with Al, that's exactly what I was thinking.
If you are familiar with electrical wiring, it should be an easy task.
What are you using for a digital cable? Length?

Try a different digital cable.

Make sure it is at least a 1.5 meter long.