Theta Prometheus Monoblock vs Bryston 7BSST2

I was all set to buy the Bryston 7B-SST2 amps to mate to a KEF Blade (or Blade2). However, the recent review of the Theta Prometheus on Stereophile has me intrigued. I like the benefits mentioned for the class D amps over AB or A. Less power consumption, run cool, small footprint.

I heard these amps at THE NEWPORT SHOW this year and they sounded very good but I cannot really tell in a show (unless it is really bad sound). I know how the Bryston sounds and like the fact that I would have a great RELIABLE amp if I went with Bryston. My pre-amp in the SS BAT VK-42SE. I will have a 2 channel computer based system, with the PS Audio DS DAC.

Anybody using these new Theta amps care to provide feedback on your experience. I would prefer to hide any new amps in a closed audio rack because of potential damage (spills etc..)

Yyzsantabarbara hi.

The Kef Blade II are hard but not too hard a load to drive at 87db and 3ohm min right across the low to mid bass. And there are no nasty - phase angles to worry about.

So a very good 4ohm capable amp would do, I myself would be looking at Pass Labs XA class of amps.

I do not think class D has come of age yet, as the switching frequency technology is not yet high enough.

Another amp worth looking at is the Parasound Halo JC1 mono-blocks in their higher Class A mode that's switchable on the back, I listened to these on a pair of Wilson Alexia's, a real evil load (.8ohm epdr), and they sounded great with this amp.

Cheers George
"I do not think class D has come of age yet, as the switching frequency technology is not yet high enough"

George, which amps have you experienced which are the audible cause of your pessimism?

I didn't consider the D" Agostino amps "veiled" at all. The actually "bloom" in the midrange, giving it a somewhat "tube like" sound in the mids and highs. Plenty of power and low end to spare. They just cost way too much for an application as mine.
I am looking now looking at new technology for these speakers, no A or AB amp designs. The amps I am now going to audition are, Merrill Audio Veritas, the Theta, Benchmark AHB2, Bel Canto REF600, or the Devialet 400.

I am buying the Benchmark AHB2 very soon for my office system, Benchmark DAC2 and KEF LS50 speakers. These amps are strong enough to power a line of speakers I have owned in the past, Revel Salon. They are being demoed at some shows with this combo. So this amp will be tested first with the Benchmark DAC2 on the new main system I am building. Maybe it will surprise me.

My main concern now is deciding whether to go direct to the amps from the second DAC I will get (another Benchmark DAC2 or PS Audio DS). I have my pre-amp for sale but I am thinking that maybe a bad idea and I will regret selling it.

The Devialet is another system that intrigues me and the place that I will buy the Blades, Audio High in Mountain View,CA, also sell this system. They demo the Blades with very expensive Chord electronics. Which I heard but I am not interested in spending that much money for electronics.
Hi YYZ, the Bel Canto Ref500 monos are based on the somewhat less powerful NC500 module, instead of the NC1200 used in Veritas and Prometheus. As a result, the peak current of Ref600 is 27A instead of 38A. I suspect you might find REF600 to have less authority than Veritas or Prometheus, and perhaps a little bit less resolution.

Keep us posted on your listening experiences!

Regards, G.