DAC drops out when Furnace starts or stops. HELP

Every time my furnace or water heater (gas, power vented) kicks on or off my DAC drops out momentarily. My audio system, furnace and water heater are all on separate dedicated ac lines. My AC panel was updated to a 200 amp service some years back.
I checked all connections from the panel to each device and internally checked all electrical connections in the furnace and water heater, verifying proper hot, neutral and ground.
I checked and tightened all wires in the service entrance panel.
Has this happened to anyone else? If so what did you do to correct it?
Any help will be appreciated.
good suggestions. Thanks. I will look into it tonight and report back with results.
OK, so I started by changing the digital cable (it was the easiest). I had been using an Audio Envy cable that I really like. Had it about one month. After inserting it into the system I had an occasional drop out but didn't think a lot about it. However as the cold nights came I started having more and more drop outs. Which lead me to tracking down the cause. Thus I discovered that it was the furnace and water heater making the disruption. Prior to the cold snap, it was only the turning on and off of the water heater that caused the drop out. But now with the furnace in the mix the drop out rate was increased signifigantally.
I replaced the AE cable with a Grover Huffman digital cable and last night experienced no drop outs.
The AE cable is only one meter while the GH cable is 1 1/2M.
Is it the length of the cable that could be the culprit or is it the design/construction differences?
Either way, thanks for the suggestions to get the gremlins out. I will also look into the service panel today to check the wiring as to which leg of the mains might be in common.

The AE cable is only one meter while the GH cable is 1 1/2M.
Is it the length of the cable that could be the culprit or is it the design/construction differences?
10-09-15: Jadedavid
Hopefully someone like Al, (Almarg), will chime in.

As for the AC power side of the equation when the furnace or hot water is turning on or off a transient spike is being sent out on the AC mains. Just guessing the transient causes a quick brief problem with the DAC or maybe even the transport. For some reason the AE digital cable is not capable of maintaining a good digital lock between the transport and the DAC. It's like the AE digital cable was just on the edge of maintaining the digital lock between the transport and the DAC before the transient spike event would happen causing the drop out.

Either way, thanks for the suggestions to get the gremlins out. I will also look into the service panel today to check the wiring as to which leg of the mains might be in common.
10-09-15: Jadedavid

You never said if the furnace or hot water heater are gas or electric.
If electric my guess is they are fed by single phase 240Vac.

Length of the cable might or might not add to the problem.
Longer cable allows to avoid first reflection adding/modifying shape of original transition (many factors involved). You GH cable might work better because of length or because of better characteristic impedance match. Most likely it is just a better shielding.