10-10-15: EbmEBM, I'd like a different snidy punch-line. I've laughed at this one one too many times! Search your sarcastic brain for a new snidy remark. Thanks.
Wow thats a tough one i was up all night thinking about that!!
Tube Watts vs. Solid State Watts - Any credence?
I've heard numerous times that Tube watts are not the same as Solid State watts when it comes to amps running speakers. For example, a 70 watt tube amp provides more power than a 140 watt solid state amp. Is there any credence to this or just sales talk and misguided listeners? If so, how could this be? One reason I ask is a lot of speakers recommend 50 - 300 watts of amplification but many stores have 35 watt tube amps or 50 watts tube amps running them. More power is usually better to run speakers, so why am I always hearing this stuff about a tube watt is greater than a solid state watt?
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The manufacturer recommends 50-180 watts and received wisdom seems to be that the speakers respond better to solid state watts (what does that mean)?I've not looked at the Vienna Acoustics Kiss speaker impedance & phase plots but if this is the wisdom that has been imparted to you then it would mean that the VA Kiss has some wild impedances & phase angles in the bass region where the actual impedance is quite low where a tube amp would have difficulty sourcing large amounts of current to have a controlled bass response. In such a case a s.s. amp would do better esp. if it can double down for each halving of the load impedance. This would be an expensive s.s. amp since it would have a very robust power supply. Heavy chassis, heavy power xformer, large heatsinks, high cost but it would give you a tight bass response while a tube amp would give you flabby bass response unless you spent $$$ to get a large tube amp. |
10-09-15: DjfstI found your speaker measurements here: http://www.soundstagenetwork.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1285:nrc-measurements-sonus-faber-olympica-iii-loudspeakers&catid=77:loudspeaker-measurements&Itemid=153 if you scroll down & look at the 2 plots "impedance magnitude variation" & "phase angle" you can see that this speaker has capacitive phase angles in the bass region to, oh, ~150Hz. The impedance is complex i.e. has a x+jy sort of form. So, the real part of the speaker impedance into the power amp is delivering current is not 4 Ohms as printed on the back of the speaker but less than 4 Ohms due to the capacitive (reactive) phase angle. So, any power amp would be asked to deliver more current than originally thought (since you are thinking it's a 4 Ohm speaker) & this can tax the power amp. When you connect your SF to the 8 Ohms tap, the power amp is being asked to deliver more current into the lower (4 Ohms) speaker impedance compared to when you have it connected to the 4 Ohms tap. The higher current delivered yields a better bass response. The plots show the speaker is mostly inductive in the 150Hz-2.5KHz. So, when high voltages are present in the mid-bass-to-mid-range little current is asked from the power amp due to this inductive impedance nature of this speaker in this region (the math omitted deliberately). And, in the high-freq even tho the speaker become capacitive there is not much energy in those frequencies so the power amp is not taxed much. So, it seems to make sense that this SF speaker would sound better on the 8 Ohms tap. |
Bombaywalla, as you probably know, my amp is the ARC Ref 150 SE. I mention this because ARC designed my amp, and indeed, most of its tube amps, using NFB. In the case of the Ref 150 SE, I believe the NFB stat is 14 db. Ralph has written quite a bit about the negative trade-offs of using NFB. Do you consider 14db to be "a lot of global negative feedback"?? FWIW, ARC describes its Ref 150 circuit topology as follows: "Output stage coupling is a combination of “ultralinear” and Audio Research’s patented “partially cathode-coupled” topology, which is superior to conventional pentode or triode operation." Whatever that means. :) LOL |
10-10-15: Inna Impossible to tell without knowing how the testing/comparison was made... My guess is they did not level match, or make quick switches between components - the two main factors that our senses need, in order to make a proper evaluation... |
- 120 posts total