Bombaywalla, I just caught your post re the Soundstage measurements of the SF speaker. I surmise that you would agree with the general view of many that when deciding on a tube amp's output taps to use for a particular speaker, that one should use the taps that sound best to that person's ears.
That said, if I was asked to guess what would be the best output tap selection for the SF speakers based JUST on graphs and NOT ears, I might have guessed the 4 ohm taps would be optimal. Here's why.
Btw, I assume the SFs were voiced to be driven by a SS amp. I also tracked down a J Atkinson bench test report of the Prima Luna HP amp. JA's output impedance measurements are pretty typical: 4 ohm taps (between 1.1 and 1.3 ohms); 8 ohm taps (about double the 4 ohm taps).
First off, the SFs are moderately sensitive. Soundstage reports 88.3 db. That bodes well when worrying about driving speakers with rough impedance and phase angle plots in the bass frequencies.
Second point. As JA reports, the amp's output voltage will vary with speaker load because of the amp's "high'ish" output impedance. Presumably, the amp's output voltage should vary less off the 4 ohm taps because output impedance is half that of the 8 ohm taps.
Third point. The Soundstage report shows that SF's FR drops off pretty sharply below 70 or 80 Hz. I suspect that the owner may be using a self powered subwoofer. If so, my reactions are even more on point.
Fourth point. The Soundstage report also shows that the SF's impedance ranges between 3 and 5 ohms between 50 and 100 Hz. In addition, the SFs are mildly capacitive (neg. 23 degrees or so) in that frequency range. Could be worse. Further, speaker impedance stays at 5 ohms or below up to 1000 Hz.
Conclusion. All in, my guess ... based JUST on the numbers ... is that the 4 ohm taps would yield a cleaner sound with less frequency response variation because of the amp's output impedance off the 4 ohm taps. In addition, the back impedance off the primary taps of the output trannies would probably be a better impedance match for the tubes because the amp is asked to deliver most of its power output in the 3 to 5 ohm range.
All the "techno" BS aside, I recommend that the owner of the SFs and the Prima Luna gear should use the taps that sound best to his ears.