Rotel RCD-1072 is an excellent CD player and just as
good as a transport. Very well built. They run used
around $350 or so.
The Pioneer Elite PD-65 is also a nice unit. The CD goes
in upside down in this unit.
Actually there is a CEC TL-5100 listed right now on
AudiogoN for $499. THAT would be my choice. CEC
makes really, really nice units. I have a TL-2 and love it.
good as a transport. Very well built. They run used
around $350 or so.
The Pioneer Elite PD-65 is also a nice unit. The CD goes
in upside down in this unit.
Actually there is a CEC TL-5100 listed right now on
AudiogoN for $499. THAT would be my choice. CEC
makes really, really nice units. I have a TL-2 and love it.