Amplification for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hello there!

I just had my newly-bought second-hand Obelisks overhauled at Shahinian, and now they are on my way to me.

At this stage I am thinking of amplification for them.

I listen mostly to acoustical musiс (Norah Jones, Madeleine Peyroux, and the like), jazz of all sorts, mostly modern ECM-style, also some older Blue Note, and pop music (a lot less). Almost no rock, although it is gaining on me (in the car, though).

I have had several Macs (integrteds and separates), loved their sound, but I want to move forward: Macs' sound is a bit too relaxed for me (although I don't like the sound to be overly crisp). The most important thing for me is musicality and space: I like to listen to music, not sounds.

I want as few boxes as possible, so I want a DAC with an amp in one box. It will be fed through coax or optical from an upgraded 24/96 Sonos.

The contestants at this stage are

1. Electrocompaniet ECI 6 DS
2. Hegel H300
3. Plinius Inspire 980
4. Devialet 120

I am currently leaning towards the Electrocompaniet or Hegel.
Would appreciate your comments on these. Or, maybe, I am missing something here, and there are more choices?

I dont have an opportunity to audition them in my home town, unfortunately, so it will be more or less a blind buy.

Comments from Shahinian owners are more than welcome.

Thanks a lot for your comments!
Gotcha Ja-zz - would help to know where "here" is.

Of the brands you mention, I'd give Plinius the nod. Some info about the pairing of Obelisks with an older Plinius integrated here.
10-11-15: Ja_zz
Thank you for your suggestion. Bryston is not well represented where I live, unfortunately.
10-11-15: Ja_zz
Excuse me, but... I don't even know this brand )
10-11-15: Ja_zz
Appreciate it, but I can only work with brands that are well represented here.
Well, instead of leading us on in a game of 20 Questions, would you care to mention WHERE you live and WHAT BRANDS are available locally to you?

Also, I've heard some McIntosh amps really make omnidirectional, ported deep-bass speakers stand up and sing, better than with some likely competitors. Perhaps you need to try some Mac amps directly with your Shahinians. Musical they most definitely are.
Sorry people,
Thought Location would show somewhere here, but... My mistake. Apologies.

I am in Russia.

And I do appreciate all your help.

As for brands, I mentioned that at this stage there are 4 amps I am looking at.

Macs are great, and I used to have an M402 and C46 combo, but, firstly, Mac does not make the integrateds with the functionality I need, and, secondly, I want to step away from Mac sound - in my case they used to drive Vandees 3A Sig's, and the sound was great, but, alas, too laid back for me.

Other brands. Mostly European (Linn, Naim, Cambridge, Arcam, Audionet, and the like), however they do sell Rowland, Macs and Manley.
You really need to go with a high powered, high current amp, period, and probably need to figure out your line stage needs separately. Plinius power amp would be a great match, as would Bryston (yeah, we know, we know), Perreaux, Rowland, etc.

If you go integrated, you'd need *at least* 150 high current wpc, and I'm not confident that--as good as integrateds have gotten--you'd get the same low output impedance, high current, and high damping factor that a separate amp would deliver, and which the Obelisks definitely need.

Thanks for your input. However, I have always had a problem with the words "low" and "high",not being an electronics engineer or something...

So, you got me guessing: when saying "low" or "high" what do you mean exactly? Above or below what figure?
