Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Bryon: That is a uniquely fantastic piece.Which version do you like? I have Kings College Cambridge doing it in Latin on CD and in English on Vinyl.I also have the Tallis Scholars on Nimbus CD.
Does everyone know that this piece was Papal property under threat of excommunication and was only sung on Ash Wednesday in the Sistine Chapel by the Papal choir? Until Mozart went there, memorized it and put it to paper.

Written for schola (men)including "imbellementi" sections where the castrati sings a high C several times in a very ethereal tonality. Magical

I prefer the vinyl of course, though the Latin text is more correct.Being a Kings College fan, the Willcocks/English version is a historical recording;since Kings also does this piece every Ash Wednesday.Kings chapel may be one of the few spaces that can compare with the Sistine chapel,which makes the recording all the better.
This one is a real treasure.
Emorrisiv - I have at least three versions of the piece. The Kings College version in latin is my favorite. I didn't know all the history you mentioned. That's fascinating. Can you recommend other choral pieces with a similar ethereal quality?
Bryon, IMHO the companion piece found on the old Willcocks/Kings Allegri recording; Palestrina Stabat Mater is even better.

Actually if you like this kind of music, any of the english cathedral and collegiate choirs doing renaissance music will please you. Byrd,Tallis,Pallestrina,Vittoria,Thomas Tomkins,Orlando Gibbons (my favorite),Thomas Shepherd,Robert White, and a host of others.

You should also listen the the Vaughn Williams Mass in G minor.A 20th century piece written in the style of Byrd or Tallis and a real beauty.

Also, look for mixed groups such as;Tallis Scholars,The Sixteen,The Scholars,The Clerks of Oxenford,Corydon Singers,
these groups are often ex members of the collegiate choirs and are early music specialists.It is in these groups that you will find the most esoteric pieces.

I have had the good fortune of singing countertenor in a very good American cathedral choir for most of my life, and I am well steeped in the tradition and these composers and their works.I have done the Allegri several times.

If you are looking for vinyl versions, there are many to choose from. If you need specific help, send me a email and I would be glad to discuss this at length.

E - Thanks for all the recommendations. I will start ordering from Amazon immediately! I am a digital only person (computer based, actually), so the vinyl versions are not an option for me, but I believe much of what you recommend is available on cd. I may send you an email as I wade deeper into this music to get more advice from you. Thanks again!
anytime Bryon, welcome to the world of English Cathedral music. Yes I know a lot of it is Italian, but you will find that the best recordings and performances are british choirs.
I welcome any questions.
