Should I buy a phono-pre or Creek phono board?

I have a new Creek Evolution 100A integrated amplifier. Should I buy the Creek Sequel phono board or should I buy an external product? The Sequel is $200. Here are the specs

I would like to spend as little as possible if I don't do the Sequel (i.e. <$500).
I mention it in part because when I bought the phono board for my Rowland Capri, because I liked it. I was shocked at how seemingly small and simple it was. It was relatively inexpensive and sounded great
No brainer to me. Plug-in, one less box, fewer cables, most likely optimized for your amp.

30 years ago, you got the phono preamp for free when you purchased your preamp, integrated, or receiver.

Like every other outboard (what they were called back in the day), the expense has grown astronomically for what you get.

Thanks everyone!

I think that I should buy the Creek plugin. It has decent specs and I can pop it in for $200. I'm sure it's decent if not great for the money.

I agree: why can't they pop these in for the $2k of the amp? I suppose this is the modern, new world economy we live in. And, fewer people buying product in the hifi world means economies of scale are harder for manufacturers to realize.

I will post a review once I do it. It may take a month or so.


I agree that Ebm response is not clear. I cannot tell if she/he is saying, "hey, you are cheaping out and not thinking about sound quality," or "don't overthink this whole thing, just get it because it inexpensive and going to be just fine for your needs."