ARC ref 210 vs ref 150

Looking into used market for upgrading my amp and considering these. Which would you guys choose and why assuming space is not an issue. I have ARC ref5se pre, levinson 331 amp driving Dynaudio confidence c4.
I've had both in my system for direct comparison. The Ref 210s provided slightly more expansive and deeper soundstage and (my guess is) should provide more power at fairly extreme listening levels.
My test did not go beyond 95 dbs at my listening position.
But in all other respects including grip, palpability and an overall more realistic and natural presentation, the Ref 150 was vastly superior. The slight percentage loss re soundstage was hardly noticeable as that characteristic is provided in spades by all ARC tube amps. Furthermore the low and mid bass was better delineated and more palpable with the Ref 150.
My feeling on ARC gear is that up until the Ref 150/250 series amps, the overall presentation was wonderful and well worth the price of admission, albeit a bit too much on the side of light and airy---diaphanous
I think that problem has been substantially mitigated if not eliminated in the 150/250 series, especially so with KT 120s and now KT 150s.
Hi Gpgr4blu

I am considering a Ref 150 (non SE) to drive Vienna Acoustics Kiss speakers. My concern based on hearing non Classic Audio Research amps is that they veer more towards solid state than tubey and your comments that they are on the side of light and airy strikes a note as I like bloom and warmth, moving on from Krell. My other consideration was Ayre.

What is your system? Do you have any views of pairing a Ref 150 with a Cary SLP 05 preamp (which I have now).

I own the Ref 150 SE. It's a wonderful sounding amp.

As some may know, ARC approved the use of KT-150 tubes in the "regular" Ref 150. IMO, the KT-150s bring a sense of depth and hue to the music. IMO, my amp is warmer sounding with KT-150s than the original stock KT-120s. IMO, the SE version is even better sounding than the non-SE version.

Of course, amp/speaker matching is always an issue. If you still have a chance to audition the Ref 150, try a listen to one with KT-150 tubes.

Can't speak about the Ref 210 ... never heard one in action. That said, it's worth mentioning that the Ref 110 and Ref 210 were both replaced by the Ref 150 and Ref 250, respectively. The current Ref series (not SE) had beefed up power supplies (doubled in the Ref 150), was designed to be driven with KT-120 tubes (as compared to 6550 "Winged Cs" in the Ref 110) and took numerous other circuit changes.

I can only surmise that the more recent "150" and "250" models are better sounding than their earlier counterparts, the "110" and "210" models.