Valve/Tube Newbie

Hello All,
Greetings from a relative newbie.
Am looking for suggestions for valve[tube] pre/power amp separates to upgrade my [mainly] vinyl system [Thorens/SME Deck, Spendor S8 Speakers].

Pre-amp clearly will need a phono stage, and a couple of line stages also needed for other sources.
Not fussed about remote control.
Ideally looking for designs of both pre/post with the valves exposed/visible.
Budget is around £5-6K- any suggestions gratefully received..
Thanks all for thoughts so far.
Yes, am based in the UK.
The system is very much for use rather than 'show'.
Whilst there are aesthetic considerations in having the Magical Lightbulbs on show it does, as Agriculturist says, make swapping them out easier.

Would also be happy to consider a separate [tube] phono pre-amp if that increases my options.
Yogiboy, I will end with this , yes I understood what he was looking for and offered and alternative which you didn't understand
"The system is very much for use rather than 'show'."

If that's the case, you should know that the products that everyone's recommending, are all very good, but not generic sounding. The sound will vary quite a bit from piece to piece. If you buy based on opinions and reviews, there's a good chance you'll be disappointed.