How important is bass to you?

It is to me. If it is recorded - it should be reproduced in a correct manner. Bass provides the foundation. No matter how well system might sound in other elements, if it doesn't play bass the right way, except the lowest bass, I would want to upgrade.
"All parts matter." Bass is no more, no less important than any other voice in the music.
Nope, nothing missed Tostadosunidos. Just trying to clarify what people mean by "lowest bass", and make the point that many systems just barely play the lowest note of the bass, which at 42Hz is sure not the lowest bass. I asked Inna if by lowest bass he meant the bottom octave (20-40Hz) precisely because 40Hz is about as low as many loudspeakers play. Inna said no, that was too great a range, defining lowest bass as "below, say, 25Hz". Well, VERY few systems have much output below 40Hz, let alone below 25Hz. And you're right, subwoofers do provide those low frequencies, but they seem to be still out-of-fashion amongst Audiogon members. Inna's question asks about a frequency range that many (most?) Audiogon member's systems don't reproduce, not well or poorly, but at all! Or am I mistaken?---do many Audiogon members have a system with loudspeakers or subs that provide substantial levels of bass reproduction below about 40Hz?

Being a planar loudspeaker enthusiast, I've long accepted the fact that in my system subs are required to get full-range reproduction, or even to reach down to 40Hz or so, at adequate SPL and with low distortion. I'm not sure dynamic-speaker owners feel the same, though there is a case to be made that they should!