Quality Interconnects for recording

HI to everyone,

Need advice. I have 1500 albums that I would like to transfer
on the Mini Discs, so I am looking for the quality
Interconnect cables or I should go with inexpensive cables.
Budget is $500.00.
I would really appreciate your opinions.

I have SONY MDS-JA 555 ES Mini Disc recorder which I can
stack against any NAD, Marantz, Naim Nait CD Players.
Tested and proven. That's why I have no problem to invest the money in the quality interconnects.
Actually I borrowed some Cardas Interconnects and so far
I am getting best sound with the Cardas 300B MicroTwin.
If it sounds as good as your CD players, you most likely have a PCM dac, and not ATRAC. If you like the Cardas, you would probably like Kimber Hero, Siltech 90i, MIT AVT-1 and AQ Jaguar/Columbia.
Yeah, I dislike Cardas let alone micro twin. If you want to stay with Cardas, try to go much higher in line before you are ready to record.
Tara Labs "Luna" the newest version (7) is an absolute steal and sounds superb. Can not recommend highly enough. I've made my own Mogami 2549 cables w/Rean connectors which also sound very good, but the Tara Labs is better sounding as least in my modest system to my ears.