Top Ten Tuners of all Time??

To start this thread I vote for the Yamaha T 1. At its price performance,little to touch it period. Whats your vote?
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I have to agree with Geor about the Magnum Dynalab Étude. It is the single piece I own that I will never part with. It makes radio sound like a high end source. While I play LPs for serious listening, the tuner racks up the most miles in my system.
Pioneer TX-9500 II
Pioneer TX-9800 (poorer shielding though)
Pioneer F-93 (listen for yourself and make your own mind up, it was a Recommmended Stereophile component. TIC appears to not like it because a Tuner Guru chose not to try to align it.....once.....)
Pioneer F-91 similar in some respects to the vintage H-K Citation, but in the end, a less refined version of the F-91. Listen first.