Does anyone else think this

I was going through the current edition of the absolute sound. They featured the best products for the year. A lot of those products are big speakers and amplifiers. I was thinking in about 20 years when most of the baby boomers are retiring or passing on that these products will wind up in landfills or be boat anchors. The generation behind us has no interest in speakers as big as a house or giant amps that take up floor space. They see these as a complete waste of space and disgusting. The few times younger people have seen my system they always comment " why do you have all that stuff, and what does it do"
I recently assembled a vintage system for my son and daughter-in-law. 40 year old Pioneer integrated and tuner, Sonograph CD and Fried speakers. He is thrilled, his wife even more so. So there's hope. Assembled a system for my daughter and son-in-law as well with Classe integrated, Theta CD, and NHT speakers. She listens to her ipad instead and her husband doesn't listen to anything. So there's no hope there. Kids these days-who knows what they want? They can do whatever they want with my systems when I play the last note.
Mapman, I suspect that you are wrong. I would guess that your daughter really likes your hi-fi. She just knows too well that it can't be hers.
By the way, I don't know about iphone but Samsung Galaxy4 phone sounds better than ipod and at least equal to ipad-mini with Grado sr225e phones. No, I don't use either of those, my relatives do.
I heard that Germans and Japanese are the craziest audiophiles. Did I hear right?
Okay, don't shoot the messenger. Anyone interested in facing the fact that the catalyst or driving force in the development of the technology has come to fruition? In fact it's way past it's due date. I'm being as gentle as I can here...been there, done that. If American Idol was premiering in 1968, who and what would they be showcasing?

It's over, folks.

I agree that audiophiles are far from normal. As far as woman being normal I guess you haven't met many psychos.