Enjoying My New Focal Sopra No2's

Just received my new Focal Sopra No2's (in black lacquer) a few days ago, probably half way thru the break in, these speakers amazed me when I auditioned them, even more amazing in my home.
These have exceptional clarity and detail!

The room is 26'x26', with a 10'x10' alcove, wall to wall carpeting, very little glass.

I moved my system down from the (much smaller) living room to the "man cave" and found my old Velodyne Optimum 10 sub woofer just could not fill the new room. Some of my audio buddies let me know of the advantages of a pair of subs, heard the F113's at a buddies "man cave" and was just blown away! A pair of those might be "overkill", but with all my new toys, didn't want any of my new components to "run out of gas".

I think I'm "done" with hardware purchases for a while.

I ordered mine just after they started to ship to the U.S., glad I did, as my dealer says the wait for them is up to six months!

I took his advice and slowly broke them in, not pumping more than a watt or so into them for the first 100 or so hours.

They just plain sound awesome! Enjoy!

Any update on how your No. 2's sound? Still loving them?

Anyone have Sopra No. 1's? I am thinking about a pair.
Good to hear you like them, I alway liked the 1038Be and I am sure these are better. The Sopra 2s are on my list of speakers to hear. Do you use an active crossover? If not it would make a huge difference.

I have had a pair of JL E112s in my system for about two years (pre-ordered them) and run the internal active crossovers. It makes all the difference in the world and lets you cross-over higher (60hz-ish worked best for me)

I am looking at the Sopra 2 but am leaning toward the Magico S1 or Vivid B1 (with duel subs). Have you heard either of those speakers before?
I recently heard Sopra 2's and frankly was disappointed, but I suspect it may have been the set up

Bass was annoyingly boomy-

Comments from Sopra 2 owners?