Upgrade from Proac Response 1SC?

I never thought I'd be asking this, but what bookshelf speaker might be a step up from these? I've had and loved them for a little over 10 years now, but with a recent major upgrade in my electronics (will be listed at end of post) I think they're just a bit too small for what's now driving them. I've heard a pair of Sonus Faber Olympicas (way out of my price range) and some Revel M-106's (not sure they're a step upwards from the Proacs). Would like something I can live with for a long time to come, but hoping not to exceed about $3000. Impossible mission? Maybe...
Advice and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Hegel H-200, Cambridge Audio 751BD, Bryston BDA-1 DAC, REL S2 sub. Clarus Aqua speaker cables & interconnects (mostly).
I have a REL S-2 sub which adds a lot to the presentation of the Response 1 SCs. It may be that I'm just getting restless after 11 years with these speakers and looking to rekindle the magic somehow. Any opinions about Selah Audio's Verita or Tempesta models? I've seen some very favorable reviews of these.
"It may be that I'm just getting restless after 11 years with these speakers and looking to rekindle the magic somehow."

You're speakers sound great with tubes. I tried them with my ARC VT-100 and my VAC 30/30, and someone elses BAT VK-60. Excellent results with all 3. I mention the amp because ProAc is such a unique speaker that's hard to replace.
I also had a pair of the ProAc 1SC and mated them with a cary 300sei it was a match made in heaven. If you listen to a lot of vocals, I don't believe you can surpass that reach out and touch you feeling they give you, perhaps as others have mentioned you could go with a different amp. Best of luck
Thanks for the responses and input. I am entertaining the idea of different amplification, but I'm not a big fan of the tube sound. I've heard some very high-end tube systems (Aesthetix, for one) and though I see why people like them, the sound isn't to my taste. There are quite a few amps I can audition locally, so let's see if this might be the solution. As with speakers, there's a dizzying variety to choose from and they all have their own personalities and quirks. If I'm not careful, I can see this turning into a lifetime quest.
Solid state is fine. There's no shortage of good choices. I've used Rowland with ProAc. Some people find that ProAc speakers overall, can be a bit too forward sounding. Rowland can balance that out nicely. Ayre would be my 1st choice. The AX-7 integrated is ideal for your speakers. Pass always a good match. Even the older Aleph series works very well.