I appreciate the comments but I'm still having problems deciding how to go with this. I'm getting conflicting information not only from the Internet but from Peachtree Audio and Polk Audio as well. Peachtree says the only way to feed to the sub is to use a splitter from the pre out to deliver signal to the amp and powered sub simultaneously. I tried this and, of course, it worked but, and I have no idea why, it resulted in overall somewhat degraded sound.
Polk told me, and this is in the Micropro 4000 manual as well, that I should parallel out from the power amp to both the main speakers and the "speaker" terminals on the sub. These terminals look like speaker level inputs as would be the inputs on a passive sub and if this were the case that connection would bypass the sub's amplification circuitry; they assured me that this is not the case and all capabilities would remain operational such as volume, phase control, room balancing, filters, etc. I'm confused. Having a speaker level signal delivered to anything other than directly to a driver makes no sense unless their is some attenuation circuitry reducing the signal level. Also, what about the impedance reduction resulting from paralleling the speaker outputs.
I mentioned earlier that I have a Behringer DEQ 2496 that can accommodate a sub. I can put it back in the system if it comes to that but I prefer to keep it simple where I can. My experience with the use of subwoofers is limited to my years ago home theater listening at which time my amplification equipment all had dedicated sub outputs. As you all can tell my knowledge on the subject is also quite limited so I need help.
Polk told me, and this is in the Micropro 4000 manual as well, that I should parallel out from the power amp to both the main speakers and the "speaker" terminals on the sub. These terminals look like speaker level inputs as would be the inputs on a passive sub and if this were the case that connection would bypass the sub's amplification circuitry; they assured me that this is not the case and all capabilities would remain operational such as volume, phase control, room balancing, filters, etc. I'm confused. Having a speaker level signal delivered to anything other than directly to a driver makes no sense unless their is some attenuation circuitry reducing the signal level. Also, what about the impedance reduction resulting from paralleling the speaker outputs.
I mentioned earlier that I have a Behringer DEQ 2496 that can accommodate a sub. I can put it back in the system if it comes to that but I prefer to keep it simple where I can. My experience with the use of subwoofers is limited to my years ago home theater listening at which time my amplification equipment all had dedicated sub outputs. As you all can tell my knowledge on the subject is also quite limited so I need help.