Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Making Sense of … Evolution Speaker Cables

Extreme Audio Systems and Extreme Performance Cables with Low Inductance

At TARA Labs, the major design goal for speaker cables is to reduce the inductance in the cable. However, there are some high-end amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. When the low damping factor of certain amplifiers is connected with (ultra-low inductance) TARA Labs speaker cables, the output of some high-end loudspeakers becomes audibly variable at different frequencies.

The phenomenon is readily apparent, heard as bass that is soft and low in amplitude, sometimes together with high frequencies that are too smooth or rolled-off. Basically, the resistance in the loudspeaker cable should be ultra-low, and the inductance (L) in the cable needs to be low but sufficient to provide a load to certain amplifiers. There is no ideal value for (L). It varies from system to system, just as impedance varies with frequency in most loudspeakers.

The loudspeaker cables carry much higher signal voltage and current into a non-linear impedance (the loudspeaker) ... so the reactive load of the loudspeaker can be difficult for some amplifiers to drive... and the all-important damping factor of the amplifier changes from amplifier to amplifier.

One of the great attributes of the OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables is their ultra-low inductance. The OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables are the 'state-of-the-art' in both technology and design from TARA Labs. Its performance level is absolutely spectacular when matched with the majority of high-end audio components available today. And as with an ever increasing introduction of new components into the marketplace, we have found over and over again that not every cable or component has the perfect symbiotic relationship with each other. In these particular instances, there are some amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. For certain loudspeakers and amplifiers, TARA Labs has produced another addition to the line-up with the Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP speaker cables. These cables are designed to work exceptionally well with amplifiers with a low damping factor or loudspeakers with a very reactive load in the lower frequencies.

Another choice is the *OMEGA CX Evolution loudspeaker cable with its slightly higher inductance, used especially with wide-bandwidth amplifiers.

*The Omega Evolution CX model is a more affordable version of the Omega Evolution SP. Having similar characteristics as the “SP”, yet at a lower price. For the speaker cable that requires a higher inductance, or used with wide-bandwidth amplifiers, the Omega Evolution SP and the Grandmaster Evolution SP are the ultimate cable choices.

*The recommendations below are “just a few examples” to help guide the user in choosing the appropriate TARA Labs Evolution loudspeaker cables. These examples are meant as a guide only, and are based on load impedance for loudspeakers and damping factor for amplification. Call TARA Labs to discuss your system and any particular recommendations.


Omega Evolution CX – Avalon speakers, Spectral, Wilson speakers (smaller and older models)

Omega Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution – Accuphase, Ayon, Constellation, Krell, Lamm, Bolder, McIntosh, Focal speakers, Cary, Sonus Faber speakers, Magico speakers, Usher speakers, Rockport speakers

Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP – dartZeel, MBL Reference, Boulder, Accuphase, Ayon, Constellation, Krell, Lamm, Wilson speakers, Cary, YG Acoustics, Avalon, Focal speakers, Rockport speakers, JM Lab (Grand Utopia speakers), Magico speakers, Usher speakers.

 *NOTE – The above equipment samples are only meant as a guide to help advise you on the best cable for your setup. As with all TARA Labs cables, when you move up the line to more expensive models, the TARA Labs characteristics that our cables are known for such as neutrality and natural musicality is always present. What you will hear is additional high frequency extension, detail, musicality, fullness, etc. 


Omega CX - A very balanced set of LC parameters.

Omega Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution – These cables has extremely low inductance.

Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP – Provides more inductance for certain models wide-bandwidth amplifiers and speakers that require addition inductance in their cables. These cables are designed to work exceptionally well with amplifiers with a low damping factor or loudspeakers with a very reactive load in the lower frequencies.  






Re posted from another thread, 10-28-15: Mikelavigne
I've recently jumped into the very deep end of the pool with interconnects for my 2 new dacs.

I purchased a set of Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution w/HFX 1.5m XLR's for my Trinity Dac. these are the ones with the floating shield design and dual monoblock HFX ground system.

sorry to say that these cables indeed are the real deal. what they do is astonishing in terms of noise floor and revealing detail and musical refinement.

I've ordered another set of these in 2m RCA's for my Lampizator Golden Gate.

I wish they did not do what they do; but now that I've heard it there is no going back.

my system does allow for all the benefits of these 'uber' cables to come through. my new dart preamp enables them to shine.

crazy good!

don't listen if you might be tempted. I made that mistake.
Mikelavigne  (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This 
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Sts,my system supports my cable's just fine, when people cry with emotion when they listen to the music, never have I had anyone walk away not in awe!