B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
I love the looks as well. The implementation of the bass drivers clear of the cabinet plus the taper at the cabinet front edge is certainly different. The aluminum spine follows some other manufacturers like Sonus Faber but makes sense for structure and rigidity.
I'd love an audition but there are no dealers in AZ. The price is beyond what I'd like to spend, but then again!
I use the original N802 for my summer speakers and don't find them bright with a matching amp and cable install. I use both solid state and tube amps with this speaker. Right now it's the VAC tube amp using the 4 ohm tap.
I remember when I owned Wilson 6's and reviewers said they were bright sounding....not with TRANSPARENT cables!
I agree Dave and Aintitgr8. The entire system is before the speakers get their chance. I have never found B&W speakers harsh,bright or fatiguing; but I have heard them reveal the weakness in the system that was driving them; in that case it was harshness from a noisy ac line. And of course it was at a relatively high end dealer. I felt like informing them about their noisy power supply but didn't want to insult.
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Bo1972, if I thought it was a simple typo, I wouldn't post a correction but since you did it multiple times I'm thinking the help is needed...

The proper term is "toe-in", not "tow-in". "Tow-in" is what you get when your car breaks down on the freeway, and you call someone with a tow-truck. They give you a tow-in to the service station. Speakers get toed-in. Small difference, I know, but big difference in meaning.

As for the OP, my local Magnolia finally got the D3 series in, so I'm going to try and get over there for a listen, just out of curiosity and to see what all the chatter is about. From pictures, I don't dislike the new design.

The magnitude of the price increase, however, gives me pause. It's either ballsy, or crazy, and in a year or so we'll know with hindsight which one.