VPI Avenger

I had the pleasure of hearing this table in 6 different rooms at RMAF, and it sounds and looks beautiful.
Are there any owners of this table that could share their thoughts? I'm seriously considering ordering one. I have the original Classic TT and want to move up the VPI line.
Dear Mat,
So, let me get this straight :

Every year one must disassemble the Avenger, disassemble the main bearing, replace a worn out part, reassemble and redo the setup in order to get a "new" sounding turntable again(?)
Seems to me this new idea is going to get old real quick! (Quite apart from the wider public perception of an expensive T/T whose parts wear out quickly(!) i.e. once they start thinking of top hardware engineering companies such as SME who make their main bearings sealed or maintenance free for the lifetime of the product?)

..and you are planning to offer the same sense of deep joy to other VPI users?

Please note that I'm not a "VPI basher" but I do find some of their design decisions troubling...
Kind regards,
Glad you like the table Miner42 :) It is a personal favorite since it was named after me, I'm the Aries of the family.

Moonglum, first off I want you to know that I don't take it as VPI bashing. More like an opportunity for me to clear up some potential confusion.

The Avenger bearing does not have to be disassembled and rebuilt like that once a year unless it is being put through some major DIY process that we haven't tested. The projected wear and tear was more in the 5-10 year projection pending upon use. Regardless of any turntable brand there is always an element or mechanism that will need to be replaced in time. Luckily with VPI owners we will still be around to help you with whatever that part is years later.
Dear Mat,
Thank you for your kind response.
I actually expected you to say the excellence of the design justifies its sacrificial nature, but that would have been a bridge too far ;^)

I'm sure the Avengers projected (conditional?) wear & tear estimate will be more encouraging to prospective buyers. :)
All the best,
Post removed 
Hi, I am considering getting one Avenger, but have a little concern. Unlike the reference version, the standard Avenger does not have a speed controller. How one can be sure if it runs on the right speed? Also, anyone here has actually used JMW 12-3D Reference arm, which one of these carts would fit best: Phasemation PP1000, AMG Teatro, Dynavector XX2, Clearaudio Concerto, Ortofon Candeza Black, Ortofon Winfeld, and Transfiguration Proteus? Grateful for your advice.