Lyra Delos or Soundsmith Boheme for Space deck/arm

I might want to upgrade to one of those in the future. Currently running Goldring 1042. The phono is AcousTech PH-1, it will easily accomodate either. So will the arm.
Which one would you prefer? What is your experience with these cartridges with other tables/arms?
I like coherent, balanced and dynamic sound. PRAT is very important, bass and soundstage too. I can sacrifice some resolution and imaging sharpness. Prefer warm side of the neutral, not too warm. I listen to a variety of music styles and traditions, from jazz/rock fusion to Nothern Indian by way of Spain's flamenco and vocals.
Br3098,thank you. I read a number of reviews. People put just about everything in Spacearm and usually say that it works fine. This tells me only one thing - that Spacearm is a pretty good and versatile tonearm.
There are those who like Ortofons and Dynavectors and those who don't, especially lower level ones. Cartridge around $1500 is still considered inexpensive by audiophile standards. It is hard to try many cartridges without losing a lot, unless perhaps you get used for a good price and then sell what you don't like.
It appears that overall Lyra cartridges are among favourites, also Delos is not heavy. As for MM, I do think about Soundsmith and maybe Nagaoka 500. Without really knowing for some reason I guess that I would prefer Lyra for its dynamics and speed, though those MM might give me somewhat better midrange and overall coherence. This is just might. Many people still prefer MM, there must be a good reason.
Some might say that if I go with Lyra, the Acoustech phono will be a little inadequate. Perhaps, but I cannot upgrade both at the same time. Besides, when I do upgrade I prefer to jump. This means that I would be looking at $3k new phono, the Acoustech was $1.2k.

+1 on the Bronze.
I like coherent, balanced and dynamic sound. PRAT is very important, bass and soundstage too. I can sacrifice some resolution and imaging sharpness. Prefer warm side of the neutral, not too warm.
That describes the cart to a tee. Quick, pure, dynamic, colorful and very slightly on the warm side.
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is $2300 and even blue is close to $2000. This is not the kind of money I would be spending on cartridge. Besides, Ortofons have a reputation of sounding bright in some systems and have questionable customer service. I do not consider this company.
Dinster, thank you. Did you hear them both in similar set-ups? Or it is just your educated guess? If so - it is valuable as well.