Pegasus - a few suggestions for hum
TT Checks :
Check the chassis/motor earthing on your SL1210- is it earthed to the wall ?
If so, then earthing to pre will create ground loop.
Check for continuity between TT earth and spindle to ensure platter is earthed. If not then there is an internal earth lead in the TT not connected.
Personally I've always got lowest noise by earthing the TT chassis/platter/motor through the power cable. If the TT chassis etc is earthed to the preamp you are putting noise into the phono ( assuming a single ended system ).
Arm Checks :
Unplug the phono cables/earths etc from the pre.
Check for continuity between your tonearm earth and the earth on your Decca phono cable with the arm not plugged into anything. If it is continuous then you will have an earth loop if you connect both the tonearm earth and signal cables to preamp. It is a long time since I had a Decca, but if I recall correctly some had the body and signal earth strapped at the cartridge end.
If the tonearm earth is truly separated electrically from the cartridge signal earths, then I would take the arm earth to the chassis and wall rather than the preamp. This is because any noise picked up by the tonearm earth would be dumped into the signal path in a single ended phono if you connect the tonearm earth to the phono pre.
ET2 Wiring :
My experience with single stranded silver wire was bad. Started picking up local radio stations and all sorts of rf. Twisting the wires helped but did not eliminate the rf.
I eliminated the rf completely by going to a silk copper litz wire. Even without twisting it in pairs there was no rf.
In both cases the wiring was continuous between cartridge and phono input.
Hope thats some help.
TT Checks :
Check the chassis/motor earthing on your SL1210- is it earthed to the wall ?
If so, then earthing to pre will create ground loop.
Check for continuity between TT earth and spindle to ensure platter is earthed. If not then there is an internal earth lead in the TT not connected.
Personally I've always got lowest noise by earthing the TT chassis/platter/motor through the power cable. If the TT chassis etc is earthed to the preamp you are putting noise into the phono ( assuming a single ended system ).
Arm Checks :
Unplug the phono cables/earths etc from the pre.
Check for continuity between your tonearm earth and the earth on your Decca phono cable with the arm not plugged into anything. If it is continuous then you will have an earth loop if you connect both the tonearm earth and signal cables to preamp. It is a long time since I had a Decca, but if I recall correctly some had the body and signal earth strapped at the cartridge end.
If the tonearm earth is truly separated electrically from the cartridge signal earths, then I would take the arm earth to the chassis and wall rather than the preamp. This is because any noise picked up by the tonearm earth would be dumped into the signal path in a single ended phono if you connect the tonearm earth to the phono pre.
ET2 Wiring :
My experience with single stranded silver wire was bad. Started picking up local radio stations and all sorts of rf. Twisting the wires helped but did not eliminate the rf.
I eliminated the rf completely by going to a silk copper litz wire. Even without twisting it in pairs there was no rf.
In both cases the wiring was continuous between cartridge and phono input.
Hope thats some help.