What would you do?

I happen to have proof that a fairly well known American boutique audio audio company routinely and brazenly shill bids its auctions for audio equipment. Knowledge of this fraud and so many people being ripped off troubles me. Thoughts?
It's time to put your big boy pants on and reveal the swine! Otherwise the accusations you make bare no fruit! It's time to get yourself a pair of balls!
You know the more I think about this you don't even need my data because there is enough right there on that other auction site to review and see what is going on. I think you have enough clues now to go search for completed listings on that other site and look for repeating bids on each and every auction of a particular product of, oh, I don't know maybe $75 and $99. That is a starting point for you. So why don't some of you put your own big boy pants on and go see for yourself what is going on and stop putting this all on me. If you happen to pick up on any patterns, just know they go back at least to April 2014 and that I have those bidding records saved.
Thank you for the unsubstantiated rumor that could cause people to reach incorrect conclusions about a legitimate dealer, while you claim to have the info needed to let us know about a bad one.

Perhaps just lurking is more appropriate for you than dropping a bomb like this and dragging it out.
Jeffb, what part of 'all the info you need is still on the other site' dont you get? And I am wrong for starting a rumor about a dealer when I haven't even named a dealer? And simultaneously I am wrong for dragging this out and not providing the information? And did I say I was a lurker?

Besides, what is the rush? This is not about your entertainment. I'd suggest, if you aren't going to look into it yourself, you give some of the other members here a chance to check this out and report back. I've led you to water and you're complaining that I won't pour the drink down your throat.