Krell KPS 20il....PLEASE HELP

I recently purchased a Krell KPS 20il and it is doing something very strange to me. It skips like crazy the first one or two tracks on discs. From the second or third track onward, it plays beautifully all the way through.

Called Krell and of course they told me what I already expected to hear from them which is "we don't service those anymore". They say it's the pick up laser and transport.

I don't know anything about these things but it seems to me like it would be something someone could possibly re-calibrate. It's obvious the laser is not picking up the first one or two tracks on every cd like as if the laser is not extending itself far enough toward the beginning of a cd.

As I said, It skips like crazy during the first track and sometimes part of the second track of every cd but it plays the remaining perfectly without any skipping.

Can anyone give me any advise to what I can do? Perhaps such symptoms are found in other makes? Is there such a thing as being able to re-calibrate a laser pick up that would correct this problem?

Those of you who might have had any similar problem with whatever make cd player, please give me some advice in what I might be able to do to save this player. I thank you in advance.
Gentlemen, I can't thank you enough for your advices. Hopefully, it is an easy fix. I am in process of re-negotiating the price with the seller taking in consideration of the worst case scenerio. I am hoping it's worth the gamble.
Thank you again.

It definitely needs a new transport....which is hard to come by. Try Steven at the Service Department in CT....he's great to work with. You may be able to locate one on E-bay, but that's a risky proposition. I have two 20i players....they're still competitive with top rank players.