Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Grannyring, something about your post doesn't sit right...

First, you know well that Schiit sells direct, so there are no dealers where people can "listen before buying", unless they get lucky and know someone else in their city that bought one. So why say that?

But second, and more importantly, Schiit has a 15-day return policy, with a very modest restock fee, so in fact it's already established that people CAN listen before buying. And in actuality, every single purchase is a 15-day audition before it becomes an actual final transaction. So listening before buying is built in, and goes without saying.

As for knowing 3 guys who all have good ears...I know guys too, but I've never accompanied any of them to an Audiologist and/or asked to see the results of their hearing examination.

But I'm sure the Luxman sounds fantastic, I have no doubt about that. It's also $5K, more than double the price of the Schiit Dac. But what's an extra $2700 between friends, right?

Full disclosure: I do not now nor have I ever owned a Schiit product, and I have no plans to purchase one in the immediate future. But I do enjoy DAC discussions, walks in the moonlight, puppies wearing hats, and strawberry flavored cream cheese.
Grannyring, it's horses for courses. My system isn't bright and I want an R2R ladder DAC, either the Yggy or a design that uses four BB PCM1704-K chips. But I see why others might not like these choices.
Bcgator, you can buy the Luxman for $2700 on Amazon. Japanese model.
You can buy them used as I did for $2200 here on the Gon. 15 days is not enough time for the unit to break-in and I find there is something wrong with your post.

I said up front this is just another view from other aphiles. The Computer Aphile reviewer is just another Aphile also. Do you approve more of his ears?

No magic in the R2R ladder, just another design. It is always about how well a particular design is executed. Yes some may love the Yiggy, some may not as it always comes down to system synergy.

The owners did share that the unit turns brighter as the unit burns in. After 400 hours one owner just did not care for the abundant detail.15 day trial will not be enough time. So if you can hear a fully burned in unit, then that would be best.

I have read so much praise about the Yiggy, so naturally with the several folks I know who either had build issues or did not like the unit after burn in time, I felt I should share this reality. Just the facts for the Audiogon community to consider.

I am sure many owners will like the dac and hopefully have no issues.
I thought it was a good review and refreshingly unusual, in that Chris compared the Yggy to $15K DACs that he considers to be his references. And the Yggy in no way fell short.

Chris Connaker supposedly had the review unit for over 2 months, and did not find it to be "bright" or too detailed, and instead was rhapsodic about its sound. Although he is just one reviewer, he has significant breadth of knowledge and experience of the entire realm of digital audio. He speaks with some authority, so this review should not be discounted.