Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Thanks Grannyring....I am afraid it will do no good to anyone. No one wants to tweak....too afraid of hurting it, loosing warrantee or loosing resale value. Of the 250 or so Yggys sold only two people have even taken the cover off. One changed the fuse to good effect and the other, my friend, did all the mods I suggested. If the Yggy were $1000 then more would take a risk. So, we are left with Yggy great for the money but will never be really great unless tweaked and no one will tweak. Its just too bad the Schiit people are not open to tweaks....I could help them make a super version and they could sell it and still retain warrantee and no fears for anyone. Oh well, just the way it is. No one will ever hear how good a DAC it could be...except maybe my friend. Even more expensive DACs will never get modded by anyone. I have never, ever seen a product I could not make sound considerably better. There are many other people that can do the same and with different and similar skills.
I am one of the few that mods and tweaks gear of all types and price points. Amazing what can be done to improve "stock" gear. Thanks again for your site and postings on this subject over the years.
This is only my assumption, so please Correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am).
I personally take what Chris Conneker says with a grain of salt. I'm not doubting he's a music lover, but my instincts tell me that he is a computer geek first and an audio enthusiast second. He is tech guy who started a site because he noticed that we were in the Golden Age of digital audio and dacs and computer storage of music were the next big thing.
Just my opinion,
Not saying that he can't tell the difference between a good dac and a great dac. Just saying that he may not have the golden ears that people think he has. Also like someone mentioned earlier, everyone hears differently so.....
Re my audition of the PSA DS. I ran it non-stop for two and a half weeks, feeding it music 24/7. The things about it that I didn't like did not change at all over those two weeks. I understand how DACs are sensitive to break-in, but I frankly found the DS to be unlistenable.

The highs did have a bit better detail than my PDS PWD-II, but the midrange and bass sounded like the music was coming through a fog. The bass on the DS was also not well articulated. The DAC actually gave a sense of pressure in my ears (I know of at least one other customer that had the same experience). I suspect that this is the noise shaping that pushes noise into the ultrasonic range. My amps and speakers extend to 100k, if that matters.

BTW, the latest version of the Yale software had been installed. On return of the DAC, PSA checked it out and said that the DAC was working perfectly.

In my system, the Yggy easily sounds better than the PSA DS or the PWD-II. The Yggy's handling of transients and the sense of instrumental timbre is something special.