Audioqest Wild Wood or Tara Lab Omega Gold?

That is the question.
Hou do you define the difference betwween these two ""wonderful Cables"?
Using 825 from JRDG, Aeris, Criterion and Revel U2 Salon2
or Magico Mini 2 and Playback Design from Andreas Koch
What is the best choice? We are speaking serious money and even more serious sound. Opinions and experiences are welcome.
Many thanks for clarifying.
Rzado, Thanks for your interest. I am sur the Well is somewhere up.. The price as well. I do work with a large limited budget. These 2 cables would be in the range. And I have read a lot about them. Very few listeners have been in the position to really describe the Well or the new high end from Tara. With these new models arriving on the market come the possibility to get good old cables at the right price on the site.
One day I will get there. Thanks
I own 2 sets of Wel Signature xlr and also 2 brand new Purist Audio LE luminist powercables.

The Wel Signature are impressive. The stage get's a lot higher than all other interconnects I ever tested.

But with the best powercables in the world you can even more influence your set. Most people are not awar of this. I have done thousands of tests with cables in over 17 years of time!
Audiolabryrinth....I did not make any reference that I recall to 6+awg wire/effective gauge of cables on this thread.
Hi Lafolia, if you have questions about any model taralabs cable's, pm me, I have lived with or listened to them, that includes the new models!
Hi zephyr24069, I was asking for your help, I do not know what 6 plus awg translates to?, I know it's not just 6 awg, it may be 4awg because of separate negative and positive runs of speaker cable's per speaker, can you help? ,thankyou.