Pegasus - The power supply is one of the places where rectification "happens" (yes, it does),
Rectification is a really good word - ET2 thread readers Quiz Question :^)
What is the best meaning of rectification for this audio thread ?
a. the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
b. the conversion of alternating current to direct current
c. the process of refinement or purification of a substance by distillation
d. determination of the length of a curve; finding a straight line equal in length to a given curve
Pegasus - Regarding RF: It was only a problem with one phono stage, that might have some issue in the power supply (while still sounding very impressive).
Some thoughts with my coffee (black) :^)
Interesting - when I think power supply I think Transformers - Toroidal and EI - This is the one of the big secrets IMO , well, as well as not living next door to a neighbor running an underground radio station; to setting up unshielded phono wires with no noise/hum.
How about looking at the perspective of the phono stage. Which is better ?
Toroidal transformer.
Major advantage is that they do not radiate much magnetic field. James Bond prefers this type of transformer. :^)
EI transformer.
Radiate a significant magnetic field from the exposed windings. Low level phono audio signals and gain stages prior to the output stage of amplifiers are small enough, I think, in strength, that if they pass through a decent sized magnetic field, will cause hum in what you hear out of the speaker.
What about amplifiers.
Should we choose Toroidal transformer or EI power transformers in amps, preamps, phono stages ?
My amplifiers are always quite a distance from the preamp/phono stage. I have seen setups where audiophiles cram everything into one rack or closed in space.
So what type of transformer is used in your Amplifier ?
Does it use an EI transformers ?
Is it anywhere near your phono stage ?
Here is a fun video that was shown on the Discovery Channel.
Making McIntosh Tube Amp
Watch how they make the transformers starting at the 2:00 minute mark . Do you think you will be able to use unshielded wires if this amplifier is placed near your phono stage setup ? James Bond you have your work cut out for you. I think maybe we will need to bring back Sean Connery for this effort ?
btw - myself, I am not feeling good about how they make the transformers and also in this video toward the end; how they join the inside guts to the outside jacks. By solder on a circuit board ? Another discussion ! No more coffee for me .....