The term Genius is GREATLY overused .
You do not have to be a genius to write works of genius nor
does being one mean everything you compose will be same .
Bach himself, the greatest of them all, said anyone could
do what he did if he worked as hard as he did.
Anyone is a stretch , and IMO he had he divine help-but his entire life he worked incredibly hard.As did other greats like Haydn. Beethoven and Brahms etc etc. All these were men of high IQ to be sure but Einsteins 99%/1 % ratio was in play.
The only composers I would consider true geniuses are
Mozart and Schubert. perhaps Mendellsonn as well.That these were all child prodigies seems telling IMO .
You do not have to be a genius to write works of genius nor
does being one mean everything you compose will be same .
Bach himself, the greatest of them all, said anyone could
do what he did if he worked as hard as he did.
Anyone is a stretch , and IMO he had he divine help-but his entire life he worked incredibly hard.As did other greats like Haydn. Beethoven and Brahms etc etc. All these were men of high IQ to be sure but Einsteins 99%/1 % ratio was in play.
The only composers I would consider true geniuses are
Mozart and Schubert. perhaps Mendellsonn as well.That these were all child prodigies seems telling IMO .