Thanks for the reply Pegasus. I enjoy reading your posts.
My previous post was a generic example, and specific for only one type of SS situation. Although the specs I mentioned for the amps and speakers in the previous post are common in today's audiophile market place.
Something stood out to me in what you said and if I may make one more point here.
It has been my personal experience over the years, that in talking with about 1/2 dozen or so amplifier manufacturers and doing research on them; I discovered that they each had a target speaker design (brand and/or model) that their amplifier was based around. They have to after all hook up their amps to something right ? Amplifier makers are forthcoming usually on what speakers they are using for current testing. Likewise for speaker makers on the amps they use. Those looking for answers should give them a call directly. With this method business partner relationships are also discovered.
There are a few rules (guidelines) in audio. The rules that revolve around the speakers themselves, have a big effect on the amplifier design.
For example if we put our experiences aside and, come into this as if we were new to the hobby. Consider these three questions.
Consider each as a separate consideration onto itself. A sort of silo.
1) What if a person wants to reproduce full range music. What majority would not want this ? To hear all that was recorded.
2) What if a person wants good efficiency - again who doesn't really want different than installing a furnace/air conditioner ? We check off the high efficiency box if we can. This also leads to lower utility bills, saving the planet, just make sense...
3) What if the person wants the reproducers "speakers" to take up a small area - un-obtrusive. Bookshelf size - Again if you could why not ? Who really wants 8 foot towers in their living room? Or those huge speakers that need to be disguised as huge sculptures in the dwelling to work - really ?
Well you can only have two of the three above. If someone doesn't believe it; run through the math and the scenarios of the 3 options.
If a friend asks me today for an opinion, and I know he has not already been made biased by reviews, dealers, forums, etc... I will say take your pick of the two that most appeal to you. Then look at the one that got left out. Whichever one it is - go the opposite to it in design - and if you can accept that, you're done. Your path is clear. Go find that speaker ! All choices in between are a compromise - Leading back to Pegasus' quote above.
To me the speaker is the Alpha over the amplifier. This also explains my speaker problem (multiple pairs). I see an amplifier/s as nothing more than a mechanical device that needs to gets the job done and does not break down over time. The amplifier needs to serve the speaker and allow it to make music. The order of my points above do happen to show my personal order choice. My full range speakers are 93db, and can make nice music with a small tube amp. But they are also kinda big.
@Pegasus - my personal midrange reference speakers are unique for 2015. This is because they have a design from 1957 - which is older than me. They do not follow the above rules I posted. They are fairly large, not full range, and their efficiency ? The speakers need 30 + ohms from an amp order to do the proper bass and as you can see from the graph, 2-3-4 ohms for proper high frequencies.
How is that for bandwidth requirement ?
Through research and empirical means I have already found a perfect tube amp for them, for my room.
Pegasus et al
I don't think a SS amp exists that can serve them properly ? Again through empirical means the SS ones I have tried seem to choke - become so pooped out on the 30+ ohm load reqt for bass - that they seem to have nothing left to give at the requirement needed to reproduce the high frequencies. This leads to the band-aid - external tweeter.
Audio Hangman - The Big Rocks
---------------Speakers ---Source---------------------
I sure hope this neat doodling feature is not taken away away when the new Audiogon forums go live in two weeks. An editing feature once post goes in would help though. Sorry for any mistakes.
My previous post that said Impressive thought process !
(Should have read - Impressive thought process Frogman!)
My previous post was a generic example, and specific for only one type of SS situation. Although the specs I mentioned for the amps and speakers in the previous post are common in today's audiophile market place.
Something stood out to me in what you said and if I may make one more point here.
And which design optimisation has to take places with which compromises to reach the intended goal.
It has been my personal experience over the years, that in talking with about 1/2 dozen or so amplifier manufacturers and doing research on them; I discovered that they each had a target speaker design (brand and/or model) that their amplifier was based around. They have to after all hook up their amps to something right ? Amplifier makers are forthcoming usually on what speakers they are using for current testing. Likewise for speaker makers on the amps they use. Those looking for answers should give them a call directly. With this method business partner relationships are also discovered.
There are a few rules (guidelines) in audio. The rules that revolve around the speakers themselves, have a big effect on the amplifier design.
For example if we put our experiences aside and, come into this as if we were new to the hobby. Consider these three questions.
Consider each as a separate consideration onto itself. A sort of silo.
1) What if a person wants to reproduce full range music. What majority would not want this ? To hear all that was recorded.
2) What if a person wants good efficiency - again who doesn't really want different than installing a furnace/air conditioner ? We check off the high efficiency box if we can. This also leads to lower utility bills, saving the planet, just make sense...
3) What if the person wants the reproducers "speakers" to take up a small area - un-obtrusive. Bookshelf size - Again if you could why not ? Who really wants 8 foot towers in their living room? Or those huge speakers that need to be disguised as huge sculptures in the dwelling to work - really ?
Well you can only have two of the three above. If someone doesn't believe it; run through the math and the scenarios of the 3 options.
If a friend asks me today for an opinion, and I know he has not already been made biased by reviews, dealers, forums, etc... I will say take your pick of the two that most appeal to you. Then look at the one that got left out. Whichever one it is - go the opposite to it in design - and if you can accept that, you're done. Your path is clear. Go find that speaker ! All choices in between are a compromise - Leading back to Pegasus' quote above.
To me the speaker is the Alpha over the amplifier. This also explains my speaker problem (multiple pairs). I see an amplifier/s as nothing more than a mechanical device that needs to gets the job done and does not break down over time. The amplifier needs to serve the speaker and allow it to make music. The order of my points above do happen to show my personal order choice. My full range speakers are 93db, and can make nice music with a small tube amp. But they are also kinda big.
Pegasus - It's BTW a question too, how desirable a wide bandwidth is for a power transformer, which is an inherent property of the general winding technique of toroidals.
@Pegasus - my personal midrange reference speakers are unique for 2015. This is because they have a design from 1957 - which is older than me. They do not follow the above rules I posted. They are fairly large, not full range, and their efficiency ? The speakers need 30 + ohms from an amp order to do the proper bass and as you can see from the graph, 2-3-4 ohms for proper high frequencies.
How is that for bandwidth requirement ?
Through research and empirical means I have already found a perfect tube amp for them, for my room.
Pegasus et al
I don't think a SS amp exists that can serve them properly ? Again through empirical means the SS ones I have tried seem to choke - become so pooped out on the 30+ ohm load reqt for bass - that they seem to have nothing left to give at the requirement needed to reproduce the high frequencies. This leads to the band-aid - external tweeter.
Audio Hangman - The Big Rocks
---------------Speakers ---Source---------------------
I sure hope this neat doodling feature is not taken away away when the new Audiogon forums go live in two weeks. An editing feature once post goes in would help though. Sorry for any mistakes.
My previous post that said Impressive thought process !
(Should have read - Impressive thought process Frogman!)