Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Would it be correct to say though that the internal DAC may be better than the Metrum?

Therefore, digital source => Job would sound better than digital source => Metrum DAC => Job?

As such, it may be possible that a better DAC through the analog input would sound better, assuming that the AD/DA section of the Job is relatively transparent. After all, Goldmund equips its pre-amps with digital outputs for use with the Telos 360 etc amps so the DA section must be up to scratch, one would think.
nothing is as transparent as the allmighty Light Speed Attenuator lol..not for under 15 grand at least/so i have heard.

The Metrum has more texture/thick bass aka thump
I almost pulled the trigger on the INTegrated. The thought of digitizing my vinyl turned me off though. Had a 225, foolishly sold it. Now I'm picking up a used 225 at FedEx this afternoon....(hee hee). I have a Tortuga LDR on order. I'm sure the INTegrated sounds sweet.
I´m also tempted to pull the trigger but still hesitating a bit.

Personally I wouldn´t need any other inputs than the ones which come with the DAC (USB, Toslink, SPDIF).

Therefore I´m keen to get some more information about the DAC.

@ Djverne: do you know by chance what kind of DAC is used in the INT?
And are you regretting that you don´t have your JOB/Pre/DAC combo anymore (soundwise compared to the INT)?