Ideal Cheap Low-Watt Amp for Martin Logan Quest

What would be a few ideas for an ideal low wattage dirt-cheap power amp for Martin Logan Quest electrostats?

(Either a power amp or, preferably, an integrated amp.)

OK, so it's a strange question. Electrostats are not the most power efficient speakers. But in my current situation, which is living off grid using solar power, I would like to keep my speakers (ML Quest) and get a small amp. I would like this amp to be dirt cheap and very low wattage. Lets say 50 watts and under.


Most important factors to consider?

I will keep my current setup (tweaked H/K Citation 16 power and sae pre) for daytime use, but I would really like something for cloudy days and evening/nighttime use. We are on solar power, and at night rely on batteries for power. I love this life, but it does pose a challenge for listening to loudspeakers at night.
If you are off grid you might want to look at a Class D amp if you are married to the speakers.

OTOH, just because a speaker is more efficient does not mean it somehow has to be less revealing. You might want to consider a speaker that is easier to drive- you won't need as much power to drive it! A 3db improvement in efficiency allows you to make the same volume with half the amplifier power.
Parts Express has several little cheap digital amps that would work. I have this one and it's really pretty decent for what it is.
get a second set of efficient speakers and a Flea Watt integrated (just a power amp with passive volume control)

Mofi-I'm using the same amp right now! When my system runs for days on end at the office I hate to burn tubes and substitute this little one. The power is sufficient. I will say that the sound quality difference probably will be noticeable vs the HK Citation.