Following this now. bdp24. Yes. I did the work myself. A definite no no for those not familiar with a soldering iron. I only use mine as a sub. If that is the case for you, then don't upgrade.
The one project that is not terrible on this amp would be upgrading the bridge rectifier as it is mounted on the chassis between big caps and transformer. The IXYS was very nice and $25 or so. A user could also replace the large capacitors too, but their is no guaranteed sonic upgrade, but these computer grade caps are becoming scarce so snap some up. The vintage blackgates that would work are crazy, crazy money and custom install and less capacitance. Not worth it.
tomic601, 3A sig is very good, but 4 ohm speaker. I like tubes a lot so never seriously looked at them when upgrading from 2ce. The Vandersteen 4a comes with 4 spikes in the best. A MAJOR tweek for the 4a is to remove the back two spikes and put one small cone in the back. With the two front spikes you can still level, etc but the cone provides much more stable mating to floor. The 4a is twice as deep as a 3. Not aware of Sound anchors.