Audio Research DAC 7 vs Primare DAC 30

Anyone have an opinion on which of these is better for use with a streamer like the Auralic Aries or for playing with a cd transport. Thank you very much for any feedback.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgasherbaum

you are in for a treat w/ the Thiel CS 3.7. It is very current hungry, so choose your power amp wisely. Thiel are my reference speakers, simply outstanding!

Keep me posted on the other gear in your system & Happy Listening!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the advice. Jafant, so far I have the Thiel 3.7's, a Krell FPB 300 amp, a Krell EVO 222 preamp. I am using Cardas balanced inputs and just using my blu ray player right now to play cd's while I figure out what I want to do about a source, which is why I posted this thread. Based on the thread I'm looking at at an ARC dac to use with a laptop (ripped all my music to uncompressed flac) and now looking at a Simaudio Moon 280d with the Mind add on.

I know a lot of people think Krells and Thiels don't match well, but I called Thiel when I bought the 3.7's and they suggested the FPB so I thought I would give that a try. The amp is nice, but I think I may have made a mistake with the preamp (may be listing it here soon), but I will wait and see how it all works when I get the source. I need a source and some speaker cables.

Jafant which Thiel's do you have? I had a pair of 1.2's and 2.3's in the early 90's, which is when I fell in love with Thiel. I was out of audio for a while, and just started getting back into it (wow this whole digital world is a lot to learn).

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a great Thanksgiving if I don't write before then and thanks everyone again for the thoughtful and helpful responses.
Hello Gasherbaum-

I enjoy the Thiel CS 2.4SE the best. if I had the correct space, I would buy the CS 3.7. Krell is a very good match, as well as, Pass Labs for SS duty.

On the Tubey side, ARC, Conrad Johnson & Aesthetix would be a sonic match. Cabling matches are: Audioquest, Audience,
Nordost, Silent Source, Transparent and Wireworld- so you have many choices depending on the gear.

Keep me posted & Happy Thanksgiving!